In Ukraine, want to CANCEL excise taxes on tobacco
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine proposes to import raw tobacco without payment of excise duty.
In Ukraine, want to cancel the excise tax on tobacco Ministry of Finance of Ukraine proposes to allow the import of tobacco raw material without payment of excise duty. This writes Interfax-Ukraine.
Corresponding changes are provided art. 213.3 of the draft amendments to the Tax Code, the text of which is posted on the Ministry of Finance website.
According to the draft amendments, exempt from excise duty imports into the customs territory of Ukraine unfermented (non-recycled) raw tobacco, tobacco fermentation plant, implementing a revised raw materials to manufacturers of tobacco products or for export.
In addition, it is proposed to exempt from excise duty of tobacco raw material processing plants entities that produce raw tobacco in the customs territory of Ukraine; implementation fermented raw tobacco, tobacco fermentation plant tobacco manufacturers.