In Ukraine, may change the rules of the sale of cigarettes

The bill also provides for penalties for smoking in public places In Ukraine, want to change the rules for the sale of cigarettes, according to which the kiosks may disappear and go up to three times the license. The initiator of the bill, which is registered in the parliament, made by MP from the "People's Front" Elena Masorin, the "24 channel". It is reported that the purpose of the bill is to change the calculations of tobacco products, that they were not visible to people who do not smoke, as well as for children. According to possible new rules will be governed by view windows and calculations on them cigarettes. Thus, it is proposed to ban open display of tobacco products in all areas of trade, and for shops or stalls, most of which turnover generated by tobacco products - to provide them with the opportunity to convert to a specialized trading venue. "Tobacco products must be placed in such a way as to remain invisible to the public outside trading venues, including specialized, access to which is prohibited to persons under 18 years" - justifies its position Elena Masorin. She explained that takes as an example the experience of Britain. She understands that quickly things change and not be able to offer a transitional period for its implementation. Large shops should carry out the necessary changes in one year, while the small and medium business it is given up to three years. "The conversion of points of sale can be quite expensive in this regard, the owners of small and medium businesses usually need more time to adjust to the new regulation and the possibility of its business planning in advance." - MP said. It is also proposed to increase the cost of license to sell tobacco products to specialized shops. The cost of this license is 3 times the cost of a regular license to sell tobacco products. Violation of the requirements established by law for specialized retail outlets, will involve the cancellation of a license. In addition, it is proposed to increase penalties for smoking in public places, while retaining the "plug" a possible penalty for the principle of individuality of punishment.